Wednesday, February 18, 2015


The importance of an oath is a central theme in the books with all of its characters. It impacts all of the characters differently. Eddard Stark makes an oath and holds it or he would not be Eddard Stark. Jamie Lannister made an oath to protect King Aerys, but instead he killed his King. Khal Drogo makes a promise and keeps it, but in his own time and in his own way. Jon Snow made an oath to the men of the Night's Watch, but can his oath demand him to break it? All of the characters have different struggles with their vows, and it often comes back to their honor. Honor is a tricky thing. It can simply be defined as a man who keeps his word. However if his oath calls upon him to murder someone innocent, does the honor call to protect the innocent or protect their oath? Can a man of honor survive this war? I will return to this question and to this theme in posts with specific characters.

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